
Are You an AllY?

Straight, but not Narrow

Friday, July 12, 2024

Dear AllY, With all the labels regarding generational designations, I have chosen my preferred phrase, “80’s baby, 90’s raised me.” My grandparents were of “the greatest generation,” marked not only by their blue collar stick-to-it-ness, but my Black grandparents also developed their ability to endure due to the repressive racial conditions of their times. Thus, … Read More

Abby Kelley Foster

Thursday, April 11, 2024

During her lifetime, Abby Kelley Foster followed the motto, “Go where you are least wanted, for there you are most needed.” Photo from the National Women’s Hall of Fame. Dear AllY, As humans, what is more of our natural impulse? To protect ourselves and our comfort or to embrace change? Reflecting on times that I … Read More

All We Can Do

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Harriet Tubman From William H. Johnson’s Fighters for Freedom Series Dear AllY, As February and Black History month comes to a close, and with Women’s History month quickly approaching, I want to acknowledge Harriet Tubman, a great model of allyship to the marginalized communities of her day. Harriet Tubman freed herself and chose to carry … Read More

Identity, Ideology, and Imagination

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Dear AllY, Please reference this article by Jack Doyle: “Rockwell & Race, 1963-1968” The Problem We All Live With – 1963 By the time the turbulent sixties were to begin, painter Norman Rockwell had already established his place in the collective hearts of Americans. For five decades, Rockwell painted covers for the Saturday Evening Post. … Read More

The Changing Same

Friday, December 22, 2023

Dear AllY, As someone who grew up in the faith tradition of Jehovah’s Witnesses, I have never had a sentimental attachment to most holidays. However, the start of a new year is my favorite celebratory time. Admittedly, my birthday is in January but that’s not why I love to celebrate the New Year. I love … Read More