What is Voter Suppression?

What is Voter Suppression?

Monday, November 2, 2020

By Hannah Shoue 3 Types of Voter Suppression Loosely defined, voter suppression can be any means of blocking, obstructing, or restricting a person’s access to voting, often with the intent of reducing the voting power of a particular group of people. Voter suppression involves an interlocking system of rules, regulations, and restrictions that combine to … Read More


November 2020

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Thanksgiving, a season of mindful gratitude, is nearly here. At YWCA Northeast Indiana, we have a lot to be grateful for. Our board and staff are rock stars! Our volunteers and community partners are the best! And, YOU, our passionate and generous supporters, do more than keep the lights on and our services moving forward. … Read More