There IS hope for a life without abuse and violence. Can you imagine what that might look like? Maybe a day when you can smile again?
Let YWCA Northeast Indiana help you get there.
No matter who you are or what your situation is, we are here to help!

What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic violence is the use of power and control within an intimate relationship that threatens a person’s well-being. The abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional, and financial.
It can happen to anyone of any race, age, sex, sexual orientation, or religion. It can happen to couples who are married, living together, or dating. Domestic violence affects people of all socioeconomic backgrounds and education levels.
It can happen to friends, family, or co-workers.
It can happen to you.
But, you are not alone. YWCA Northeast Indiana is here to help. Whether you need immediate shelter or help in accessing services, like housing, protection orders, etc., we are here to help you.
● continually criticize
● act jealous or possessive
● monitor daily travel, phone calls, and with whom time is spent
● expect a partner to ask permission
● threaten to hurt a partner, children, friends, or pets
● try to isolate a partner from family or friends
● humiliate
● accuse a partner of cheating
● appear jealous of a partner’s outside relationships
● want a partner to dress in a sexual way
● insult in sexual ways or calls a partner sexual names
● restrict access to birth control and/or medical care
● force unwanted sexual activity
● not ask consent for sexual activity
● sabotage work by stalking or harassing at the workplace
● control how money is spent
● deny access to bank accounts
● withhold money or gives an allowance
● run up large amounts of debt on joint accounts
● withhold funds for basic needs such as food and medicine
● demand a partner’s public benefits
● damage property when angry
● push, slap, bite, kick, or choke
● abandon a partner in dangerous or unfamiliar places
● drive recklessly to frighten
● trap a partner in their home or keep them from leaving
● prevents a call to police or for medical attention
● hurt children and/or pets
The Seasons of Abuse
- Blame and belittle
- Monitor and control
- Jealousy increases
- Makes accusations
- Use violence or threats
- Withhold cash/resources
- Threaten custody of children
- Increased verbal/emotional abuse
- Deny or minimize violence
- Ask for forgiveness
- Promise to change/stop/get help
- Act loving, give gifts
If you see yourself in any of these statements, you may be in an abusive relationship.
YWCA Northeast Indiana is here to help you gain freedom from abuse. Our services are free. Our services are confidential. Please reach out today. Call our crisis line (800) 441-4073 or email for more information.
Bonnie’s House
Our crisis shelter is available for individuals or families who needs a safe place to stay because they are experiencing a crisis with Domestic Violence. Call 800-441-4073 if you are in need of shelter.
It’s okay to feel a bit nervous about coming to our shelter. We want to reassure you we are here to help you. Our trauma-informed staff is here to help you feel safe and to provide valuable support for you and your children.
Bonnie’s House is partially supported by a grants from:
Advocacy and Community-Based Services
In addition to our crisis shelter, Bonnie’s House, we offer community-based advocacy services for those that may not need to stay in our shelter. Our advocates provide services throughout Allen, DeKalb, Huntington, Noble, Wells, and Whitley counties. We will come to you! Our advocates will work 1-on-1 with victims and survivors of domestic violence, intimate partner violence, sexual assault, or other related forms of victimization who are not in need of shelter. Advocates are available to assist clients with the following:
- Safety planning
- Personalized advocacy
- Assistance navigating the legal system (including protective orders)
- Domestic violence education
- Support
- Help identifying options and resources
- Access to a computer lab
- Services for children
- Recognizing Healthy Relationships
- Housing Information
- Life Skills Training (employment, education, budgeting, parenting, etc.)
- Developing Support Systems
- Self-Care, Self-Esteem, and Assertiveness Skills
- Coordination of services with other agencies
Services can be provided in the county the client lives in and are free and confidential. Call (800) 441-4073 or email for more information.
This advocacy and community-based program is partially supported by a grants from:
Support Groups
YWCA offers a weekly support group on Mondays from 6-7pm. This is a safe space for victims and survivors of domestic violence. Topics range from identifying healthy relationships and red flags, obtaining and maintaining independence, and more. Download our Support Group Flyer or email for more information.
Therapy Services
YWCA Northeast Indiana provides help and support for survivors of sexual violence and domestic violence through crisis intervention, counseling, and support group services. All services are FREE to anyone affected by that violence.
*Support groups are offered based on client need and staff availability.
For more information about these services, contact us via email at
Click here to view the HMIS Privacy Practices. Also available in Spanish.
The Therapy Services program is partially supported by a grants from:
Children and Nutrition Services
Other key supports offered to families staying at Bonnie’s House are children’s services and nutrition services. YWCA’s Child Advocate develops programs and activities designed to increase parenting knowledge, decrease risk for child abuse or neglect, increase emotional management for children, and normalize family relationships after trauma. YWCA’s Nutrition Coordinator plans healthy meals for residents and facilitates classes that teach residents about healthy eating and cooking as well as budgeting for healthy meals.