Volunteer Opportunities
We currently have 11 Volunteer Positions. Scroll through the linked document to learn about the various opportunities.
Apply for a Volunteer Position here.
Contact volunteers@ywcanein.org with any further questions.
Group Service Opportunities
For more information on group or one time volunteer opportunities, please email volunteers@ywcanein.org. Volunteers for these opportunities do not need to submit an application!
- Weekend meal drop off
- Coordinate a donation drive
- Spring and Fall Landscaping help
Board and Committee Opportunities
Joining a committee or the board is an excellent way to get involved by contributing your time, talent and expertise to support our mission! Committees typically meet on a monthly basis for one hour, depending upon current board or association initiatives, activities & events. The board meets bi-monthly on the last Monday of each odd month for two hours.
Below are descriptions of committees that YWCA is currently seeking members for. If you’d like to volunteer on a committee, please complete this form.
If you are interested in joining a committee but do not see one that seems like a good fit, please email volunteers@ywcanein.org to inquire. We may have other opportunities that could be a good fit.
Development and marketing Committee
- The purpose of this committee is to work with YWCA staff to oversee consistent and engaging development strategies for the purpose of carrying out due diligence functions and comprehensive fund development and to oversee a consistent and engaging marketing & communications strategy for the purposes of fundraising, program messaging, recruitment, branding, and overall awareness.
Finance Committee
- Works with staff to develop an annual and operational budget. The board will help set long term financial goals, gross revenue and targets, and ensure all guidelines are met and adhered to for the budget.
goldstein scholarship advisory committee
- Works with staff to develop recommendations for the oversight of the Goldstein Family Scholarship program, including being a part of the review process of scholarship applications. View description here.
Governance Committee
- Review and recommend policies to the board pertaining to governance issues and processes, including the orientation and training of new board members, the evaluation and improvement of the contribution of individual board members and officers, and the recommendation of bylaw changes. Develop a roster of potential board members based on the board profile, and will nominate all board members and officers.
Strategic Planning Committee
- Works with YWCA staff on adhering to the organization’s mission, vision, and next level details for strategic planning.
Threat Assessment Team
- The purpose of this task force is to work with the board and staff to assess risks for health, safety and security to the agency as well as board and staff.