Meet Sharon Tubbs.
Sharon Tubbs is an inspirational speaker, a nonprofit director, and an author of faith-based books. She has conducted workshops about faith, finding purpose in life, and women reaching their potential. By day, she is the director of HealthVisions Midwest of Fort Wayne where she leads a team of Community Health Workers with a passion for serving underserved residents in the community. The faith-based nonprofit agency has a vision to empower people to live healthier lives. Sharon, herself, is a certified Community Health Worker and has a master’s degree in human services counseling from Liberty University. Her bachelor’s degree in journalism from Indiana University served her well in her previous career as a newspaper reporter and editor. She is originally from Fort Wayne but spent the bulk of her adult life in Florida, before moving back to the Summit City several years ago.
YWCA Asks: What does an “empowering woman” mean to you?
Sharon: An empowering woman is confident in her own skills, yet humble enough to step aside and allow another woman to take the lead or have the spotlight or tell the story. She is an encourager who sees the glow inside of a woman when so-called visionaries miss it. She connects and invests in others’ success, allowing her spirit—not her busy schedule—to select and guide these relationships. She is transparent, unafraid to reveal her weaknesses and mistakes as a testimony to help someone else. Indeed, she uses her failures to show the ability we all have to overcome our insecurities, our naysayers, and the pressures women face every day.
YWCA Asks: In what ways do you feel you empower others?
Sharon: I must admit, as I read my answer to No. 1, I, myself, sometimes fall short of being an empowering woman! I want to connect, discern, and sacrifice time for so many more women. Still, I must find balance daily to empower others, without overwhelming myself. When I do strike that balance, I empower by providing tools for people to live out their dreams as writers, leaders, speakers, and public servants. These are the areas where God has called me to live and grow, so I offer practical information and inspiring messages to those in my circle of influence and during speaking engagements. I try to present myself authentically, as the imperfect woman I am, striving to live out my full potential in ways that others can relate to.
YWCA Asks: Can you share a tidbit of information or advice that would be helpful to other women?
Sharon: In my life experiences, I’ve learned that humility is drastically under-rated. Yet, it is key to gaining the patience and insight you need to see how your journey should play out in this world. Humility lets you hear good advice—even from the lips of your worst enemy. It forces you to wait for the right time, rather than believe you deserve success now, right this very minute, even when you don’t. It gives you peace and resilience to smooth over the bumps and disappointments along the way. Be humble. Your season will come.