Race Against Racism 5K Walk/Run 2022

Race Against Racism 5K Walk/Run 2022

YWCA Northeast Indiana’s First Annual Race Against Racism 5K Walk/Run Event!

The Race Against Racism Walk/Run provides an opportunity for the community to come together in solidarity for racial justice. Building a more just and equitable community takes all of us, so YWCA NEIN wants to offer community members the opportunity to run the race against racism, together. The event will also include educational opportunities and be a great place for those interested in working to end racism to network together.

The Race Against Racism 5K Walk/Run raises funds for YWCA’s racial justice efforts, which include community events and organizing, assessing community priority areas for racial justice, working with BIPOC-led groups, and developing educational content to share with Fort Wayne and the northeast Indiana community.


Thank you to everyone who came out and made our event a success! We had over 200 individuals registered for our first annual Race Against Racism 5K Walk/Run!

You can view the results here.

View photos from race day on our Facebook page.

We look forward to seeing you again next year!