Meet Tamyra Kelly.
Tamyra L. Kelly is currently the Public Information Officer for East Allen County Schools, serving in that capacity since 2008. She is a member of the Steering Committee for Fort Wayne United and serves as a committee member for United Response (under the Fort Wayne United initiative). Tamyra was born and raised in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She is a graduate of Indiana University. She is a member of the worship team at the Greater Mount Ararat Church and the committed overseer of the Women’s Ministry. She is a phenomenal women’s conference speaker and psalmist. She has been selected as guest soloist for the Olympic Gold winning Voices of Unity Choir on several occasions. She is the President/CEO of Live Free, LLC, a motivational speaking company. She is the host of the ‘Go Get Your Towel Back’ city-wide women’s conference where over 500+ women are served annually by providing attendees spiritual, emotional, and physical support. She has been the recipient of many prestigious awards including the 21 Alive Women in Leadership Award, the YWCA Woman of Achievement Award, and the NAACP Marjorie D. Wickcliffe Award. She is a wife, and a mother of two adult children. She loves watching basketball, singing, reading, and cooking. Her mission in life is to serve God, encourage others, and live according to the Word of God.
YWCA Asks: What does an ’empowering woman’ mean to you?
Tamyra: An ’empowering woman’ is a woman who is a safe and trusted resource for other women. Because women wear so many hats, our crowns are bound to tip over or even fall off from time to time but we need ‘sisters’ not always of the same race, color or creed who we can count on to help pick us up, encourage us when we’re on the right track and let us know when we’re not making a good decision. An ’empowering woman’ won’t judge me when I’m in a unfavorable circumstance or situation but will help me breathe to gain my composure, pray with me, believe in me and in turn help me move forward so I won’t be stuck at a stand-still.
YWCA Asks: In what ways do you feel you empower other women?
Tamyra: Empowering women is one of my life’s missions. Personally and professionally I’ve been blessed and graced by women who have led and guided me through some of my most vulnerable situations. They have been there to help me out of some dark moments and I trusted their wisdom, encouragement, and their hand up. Those women, I could never re-pay but I will always honor and respect them. One of those women is my mother, Mary E. Starks, I call her ‘grace in high-heels’. She’s firm but fair, loving, kind and always on the side of right! She is the epitome of an ’empowering woman’. That said, what I know and share with others is what I have learned – I learned from the best!
YWCA Asks: Can you share a tidbit of information or experience that may be helpful to other women?
Tamyra: I make it my business to either call, text or email 5 women a week to encourage, to share wisdom or just to let them know I’m thinking of them. There is a gospel song entitled “I need you to survive”. We need each other to survive and the only way for us to empower each other is to partner and push each other to our destiny! My tidbit for you is to share your wisdom and be transparent in sharing your struggles, disappointments, frustrations and so on because we all have them and I’m certain that someone has gone through something similar and their story will help you move forward. I’m here for you, sisters – your safe and trusted resource!