Use the resources below to learn more about historic and ongoing race based challenges in affordable housing, how to do something about policy, and tips to advocate for yourself or someone you know.
Learn More
- Fort Wayne’s Metropolitan Human Relations Council (Metro) survey: Fort Wayne Employment, Housing and Public Accommodation Discrimination Study
- FiveThirtyEight article: The Lasting Legacy of Redlining
- Documentary: Segregated by Design (20 min.)
- YWCA Columbus has a video about a project on overcoming redlining: Undesign the Redline (8 min.)
- Article from ICT, a news organization that covers indigenous peoples: Native people still outsized share of homeless
- Safe Housing Partnerships video: The Intersections Between Domestic and Sexual Violence, Racism, and Homelessness (3 min.)
- BET article with videos: Not Just Tulsa: Race Massacres That Devastated Black Communities In Rosewood, Atlanta, and Other American Cities
- NBC News video: Black Family Sees Home Value Increase $500K After Erasing Themselves From Appraisal (4 min.)
- JCHS article: Black & Hispanic renters face greatest threat of eviction in pandemic
- A concept from Cleveland, OH for a Homeless Bill of Rights
Do Something about Policy
- The National Low Income Housing Coalition provides legislative information and action alerts
- Find your elected officials and how to contact them
- ABA article: Combatting Source of Income Discrimination in Housing